What distinguishes a bet from a simple agreement? The thrill, probably. Or the stupidity. Or, just possibly, the optimism.
One or all of those or more was at play today when my friend Rue challenged me to write one entry every day for 2 weeks. If I manage it, I get to experience an exquisite dinner at a lofty establishment. The steaks, and possibly vegetables, are high.
I don't know exactly what will result from this effort, but the attempt will be documented here. And because I have a 2nd deadline to meet tonight, I'll save my 2nd betting topic for another time.
Oh, goodness. I forgot the 2nd part of the bet. The embarrassing part. The part I've been avoiding at all costs until I was pushed by my very well meaning friend to actually try to *alert* people in some way to come read what I've written. I've got no clue what I'm doing, so good luck to you. However, if you're here from Twitter wondering why the Joke a Day account has suddenly become, well, something else: herein partake of thine reasoning and be sated.
If I bumble this up, or it falls to threads, or it becomes something so outrageously obscene that even the liberal decadents petition it scrubbed from history--haha, just kidding! This was all part of a massive, 2-week Twitter Joke for the joke account!
If we, instead, all find out I'm a genius, you heard it here first.
[Day 1, Week 1]