Prize of Wax & Honey

The nice thing about writing for two weeks is that it kicks off inspiration. 

I wound up writing up -- but not completing -- posts on topics of a wide range. As I'm spending time on some other pressing matters this week, here's digging into the candy pile. The write-up below is on Jessica C. Jordan's amazing win of the Honey & Wax book collecting prize

Jessica collects the work of a husband-and-wife illustrating team. I remember them, as I'm sure many do, from Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears. One of their defining characteristics is strong, able hands in their depictions. 

a system that would eventually become their concept of the “third artist,” who was neither Leo nor Diane but emerged from them both.

They also happen to be a mixed-race couple, with one partner being black and the other white. Jessica notes

the young artists also had to navigate the challenges of being an interracial couple pre-Civil Rights Movement America.  

Image result for Leo and Diane Dillon

I have many thoughts on this as relates to my work. But today, since I have to head to that self-same work, I want to ask the Steven Universe question we're all wondering:

Is the concept of mixed-gem fusion and the gemworld disgust with it meant as an allegory for the civil rights movement? 

Image result for steven universe civil rights

The artists themselves say: 

“We’re an interracial couple, and we decided early in our career that we wanted to represent all races and show people that were rarely seen in children’s books at the time.”

Rebecca Sugar, in contrast, has said this:

“It’s very important to me that we speak to kids about identity...I want to feel like I exist, and I want everyone else who wants to feel that way to feel that way too.”

Image result for steven universe fusion

Food for thought.
