Fuzzy math

For many humanities students like myself, explanations involving math can be anathema. Yet today I'm reading about fuzzy math, and I can't help but think most students, both those in the arts and mathletes alike, can appreciate the particulars of fuzzy math. 

Fuzzy Maths

What is fuzzy maths? Fuzzy maths, properly "fuzzy logics" deals with situations that are neither 100% true nor 100% false. This condition is met when sources' answers vary widely, but can also come into play when the options are limited to A and B.

For example: say you asked fifteen people to describe the color of an object. Even if the choices were "blue and green" or "blue and black," it's unlikely that all 15 of your answers would be identical. 

The Numbers

Here you can see the same concept with a numerical value: temperature.

According to the experts:

> coldwarm, and hot are represented by functions mapping a temperature scale...[where] each function has one point on that scale — three arrows or "truth values" — and the vertical line follows whatever temperature the functions gauge...[so that] the red arrow at zero: "not hot," the orange arrow at 0.2: slightly warm" and the blue arrow at 0.8: "fairly cold."

With that in mind, may I present a few subcategories of this exciting new branch of mathematics:


 * Defuzzification

 * Fuzzy logic operators

 * Fuzzy querying languages


The math itself is fun and worth a look, but even if you steer clear of the symbols, the official terminology is, as my nana would say, "a hoot and a holler."

It's probable that many folk out there don't find this terminology as funny as I (or my nana) do. Those people, I'd guess, probably also don't snigger when the term "dick" or "cock" or "balls" or "hee-hoo" come up in class or in the grocery line. I don't break bread with those kinds of people (but I do break bad with their mamas — hey-oh!).

For that reason, and that reason alone, I share with you my fuzzy findings. Let us part on one of the best snippets from the fuzzy explanation:

